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Alpinejo.tripod.com: Backcountry Trails Guide
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Washington Backcountry Trails

Looking across to Summit Lake

Kona on a snow island at Summit Lake


Summit Lake

Summit Lake

Definition of terms below
Location: Near Mt Rainier 
Directions: Head out Hwy 410, left on Hwy 165, just before entering the Carbon Glacier entrance to the park turn left and cross the Carbon River, head up the gravel road almost to the end and take the 7810 Road
Difficulty: Moderate, harder now since the bridge on the Carbon river has washed out
Elevation +/- 4800 ft elevation gain
Distance: 17 miles round trip
Rating: 9 out of 10
Fishing: Plenty of fish
Scenery: Great
Map: Printable Topo Map


Summit Lake and it's surrounding area are beautiful.

I have been there before the bridge washed out and have since forded the Carbon River and mountain biked up the gravel road. It is a constant uphill to get to the lake, not for the weak of heart. I don't think many people go up here. Rather then continuing on Road 7820 to Coplay Lake you turn off onto Road 7810 and go to the end. This is where the trail starts

The trail is fairly steep and the nice thing it is only about 2.5 miles to the lake.

The lake has a backdrop of a huge cliff and the grass around the lake make this a very scenic location. Hike up to a high point so you can get a view of Mt Rainier and the surrounding area, well worth it.

Fishing- Take a raft this lake is pretty big and deep on the back side.

It is really nice up there, the views of Mt Rainier and the peace and quiet.

Do it again? Yes


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Although Alpinejo.tripod.com provides backcountry trail reports, you are responsible for your own safety. We will not accept any responsibility for injuries or rescues that may take place after reading this information.

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